
Kafka Architecture Deep Dive

graph TB
  subgraph Kafka Cluster
    subgraph ZooKeeper Ensemble
      Z1[ZooKeeper 1]
      Z2[ZooKeeper 2]
      Z3[ZooKeeper 3]
    subgraph Brokers
      B1[Broker 1]
      B2[Broker 2]
      B3[Broker 3]
      C[Controller - one type of Broker]
    Z1 --- Z2
    Z2 --- Z3
    Z3 --- Z1
    Z1 --> B1
    Z2 --> B2
    Z3 --> B3
    Z1 --> C
    C --> B1
    C --> B2
    C --> B3
  P1[Producer 1] --> B1
  P2[Producer 2] --> B2
  B1 --> Con1[Consumer 1]
  B2 --> Con2[Consumer 2]
  B3 --> Con3[Consumer 3]
  classDef zk fill:#e1d5e7,stroke:#9673a6
  classDef broker fill:#dae8fc,stroke:#6c8ebf
  classDef client fill:#d5e8d4,stroke:#82b366
  classDef controller fill:#fff2cc,stroke:#d6b656
  class Z1,Z2,Z3 zk
  class B1,B2,B3 broker
  class P1,P2,Con1,Con2,Con3 client
  class C controller

Core Architecture Components


Kafka is a distributed event streaming platform with these key components:

Data Flow

Performance Optimizations

Component Details



Producer/Consumer Architecture

Implementation Deep Dive

Consumer Group Mechanics

Partition Management

Offset Management

Message Handling Reliability

Architecture Evolution: ZooKeeper to KRaft

ZooKeeper Integration

KRaft Transition (Kafka 3.0+)

Implementation Details

Consumer Message Flow

    participant App
    participant KafkaConsumer
    participant ConsumerNetworkClient
    participant Fetcher
    participant Broker
    App->>KafkaConsumer: new KafkaConsumer(props)
    App->>KafkaConsumer: subscribe(topics)
    loop Poll Loop
        App->>KafkaConsumer: poll(Duration)
        activate KafkaConsumer
        KafkaConsumer->>Fetcher: sendFetches()
        activate Fetcher
        Fetcher->>ConsumerNetworkClient: send(Node, FetchRequest)
        activate ConsumerNetworkClient
        ConsumerNetworkClient->>Broker: FetchRequest
        Broker-->>ConsumerNetworkClient: FetchResponse
        ConsumerNetworkClient-->>Fetcher: RequestFuture
        deactivate ConsumerNetworkClient
        Fetcher->>Fetcher: handleFetchSuccess()
        Fetcher-->>KafkaConsumer: ConsumerRecords
        deactivate Fetcher
        KafkaConsumer-->>App: ConsumerRecords
        deactivate KafkaConsumer
        App->>App: process records
    App->>KafkaConsumer: close()

Node vs Broker Distinction

Metadata Management

Best Practices and Considerations

Consumer Implementation Choices

  1. Consumer in Celery Task:

    • Pros:
      • Easy Celery infrastructure integration
      • Built-in retry mechanism
      • Celery ecosystem monitoring/logging
      • Simpler deployment with existing Celery
    • Cons:
      • Celery task queue overhead
      • Less consumer behavior control
      • May not suit high-throughput needs
      • Increased complexity with mixed queuing
      • Partition reading challenges
      • Unexpected worker failure handling
  2. Standalone Consumer Service:

    • Pros:
      • Better consumer behavior control
      • Direct Kafka connection
      • Better high-throughput performance
      • Clear concern separation
    • Cons:
      • Custom retry implementation needed
      • Additional service maintenance
      • More complex deployment
      • Independent scaling handling

Leadership Management

This comprehensive overview covers the key aspects of Kafka's architecture, implementation details, and operational considerations, providing a solid foundation for understanding and working with Kafka systems.